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Awards and Reviews

Christmas Is Here Again is a wonderful film with lessons about compassion, giving, loyalty and never giving up hope. Whereas so many of today’s Christmas specials focus on razzle dazzle, Christmas Is Here Again is content presenting a timeless story combined with enchanting characters, wonderful music and a straightforward, feel-good production. For those of you looking to add a new film to your Holiday movie tradition, Christmas Is Here Again is an ideal choice for families, children and for Scrooges like myself who, somewhere deep inside, still want to believe.
— Richard Propes, "The Independent Critic"
The sweet story, stylish animation and solid morals might just be enough reason to recommend it to parents looking to give their children an early present this year. The Christian metaphors in Here Again - Krad/Satan’s mindless minoions of “Selves,” for instance, or one character’s Judas-like betrayal of the group - reinforce the message about the “reason for the season” in a way that even non-believers can enjoy.”
— Erich Asperschlager, DVD Verdict
Thankfully there’s Grinch-like adventures, all drawn in the style of today’s Cartoon Network shows, with a plot that harkens back to the old claymation Rudolph, Frosty and Santa Christmas specials that delighted Baby Boomer children.
— James Plath, DVD Town
If you are looking for an animated Christmas movie along the lines of Frosty the Snowman or Charlie Brown, you can safely add this one to your holiday viewing lineup.
— Ann Oldenburg, Parent's Choice Awards
The all-star cast of voice-over personalities is wonderful and music is delightful. This film teaches some good life lessons and shows the viewer more than once that dreams really do come true and, sometimes, in amazing ways... We approve it for all ages and award it five doves.
— The Dove Foundation
Because of its portrayal of positive, family-friendly values, its relevance to children, and its delightful holiday spirit, the Parents Television Council is proud to award Christmas is Here Again with the PTC Seal of Approval.
— The Parents Television Council
Delightful new songs that stick with you. A nice addition to anyone’s Christmas collection
— Kids First! Adult Juror
It’s so good! It helps to see what it means to help others and not just think of ourselves. I would like to watch it every year!
— Kids First! Child Juror
Stunning! Sure to be a classic!
— Janet Stokes, CEO, Film Advisory Board